Monday, 8 December 2014

Facial veins can be easily removed

Whilst broken capillaries on the face can be difficult to disguise, the good news is, they are relatively easy to remove. These common vascular lesions can be treated using our Copper Bromide Laser or Sclerotherapy. This is a very satisfying treatment and results are instant. This is truly the “Wow!” treatment. You can be free of unsightly veins in only 15 minutes.

Have a look at these results achieved right here at our clinic. 

Cosmetic Elegance Clinic, Toowoomba

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Photorejuvenation facials are giving excellent results in Toowoomba

Recently Sandy, one of our skin therapists had a photorejuvenation treatment with excellent results. "Without makeup I had uneven pigmentation on my cheeks. Even I was surprised at how well this faded after the photorejuvenation treatment. It has given me confidence with or without makeup, and has refined my pores nicely," Sandy said. One of our Glymed consultants commented, "Sandy's skin is looking the best that I've seen it. It is more refined and less thickened."

Cosmetic Elegance Clinic, Toowoomba - Beauty salon treatments using the latest in cosmetic medicine.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Dr Eddie Roos of Cosmetic Elegance Clinic Speaks on Skin Cancer & its Treatment at a Melanoma Patients Australia Forum
31 May 2014, Toowoomba

Dr Eddie Roos
Dr Eddie Roos, Cosmetic Elegance Clinic

In May Dr Roos spoke at the Toowoomba Melanoma Health Forum. He discussed what skin cancer is, what causes it, preventative measures, incidence of skin cancer, symptoms and diagnosis, and treatment of melanoma.

If you would like to see his speech go to: You can find it by scrolling forward 9 minutes into the forum.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Do you have skin pigmentation, broken capillaries, skin tags, leg veins, unwanted hair & tattoos, wrinkles, acne or rosacea? 

We do not believe that anyone in this day and age needs to put up with these embarrassing or annoying conditions. They can be treated safely, effectively and affordably at our Clinic. If you have any questions email us or give us a call... Our advanced cosmetic treatments can be life changing.
Toowoomba, QLD, Australia

Monday, 17 March 2014

Would you have recognised this rare melanoma?

Samantha Holder came to Cosmetic Elegance Clinic a few weeks before her wedding for a beauty treatment when Dr Eddie Roos noticed an unusual blemish under one of her nails. It turned out to be a rare nail bed cancer which after a biopsy was quickly removed.
Samantha loves the sun, but has become much more aware of sun safety. She will also be having regular skin cancer checks.
Dr Roos says, “Look out for parallel brown or black pigmented lines from the nail bed to the tip of the nail. While this form of cancer is not common, occurrence of melanoma on the rest of the body is approximately 1 in 100 people and we encourage people to have regular skin checks, especially the younger generation as melanoma is prevalent in the 15 to 45 age group.”
If you notice a lesion that changes in size, shape, colour or bleeds and does not heal properly, you should see a doctor about it straight away.

We’d be happy to answer any of your skin cancer questions or concerns.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Photorejuvenation, Toowoomba, QLD

How much do you know about Photorejuvenation?
Photorejuvenation process provides the most skin-safe, comfortable, quick and effective treatment available, with little or no downtime.
The photorejuvenation process uses pulses of concentrated light to treat:

  • Sun damage – wide areas of pigmentation on face, neck, chest and other areas
  • Age spots – pigmented lesions
  • Freckles
  • Rosacea – general inflammation of the cheeks and face
  • Spider veins – individual vessels, which can be red, blue or purple in colour

Photorejuvenation can be performed on most areas of the body, including the face, chest, arms and hands.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Wrinkle reduction injections & dermal fillers, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia

As we age our faces can lose the “plump softness” of youth and wrinkles appear as the skin loses its elasticity and natural collagen, which can change our appearance quite dramatically.
If you’d like to restore the fullness and softness of your face, or just tweak its shape without surgery, then Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are for you. And if your aging lines are becoming a problem and you’d like a smoother, fresher appearance, Cosmetic Elegance Clinic in Toowoomba, QLD, Australia has the solution.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Crows feet
Crows feet are the annoying lines around your eyes that can age your appearance far more rapidly than many other conditions.
You don’t need to put up with crows feet any longer!
Glabella & Frown Lines
Are you a frowner? Do you knit your brows together when you’re concentrating? Those concentration / frown lines tend to stay put and leave you looking cranky or worried.
There's a very quick procedure to stop you frowning and freshen your face.
Brow LiftHow would you like to “open your eyes” and regain your youthful look? 
The eye area is the first place we notice when looking at someone, and a heavy brow can give the appearance of being tired and aged.
We all use our facial muscles in different ways to give expression. But if you’re starting to look worried all the time with lines in your forehead, you could be overdoing some of those expressions.
Say good-bye to your forehead lines and hello to a smooth, line free forehead.
Bunny Crunches
Do you have “bunny crunches” on the bridge of your nose and do they annoy you?
Mouth Frown
Don’t let your downturned mouth make you look sad or worried. By treating the corners of your mouth we can reduce this aging sign and have you looking like your chirpy self in no time.
Bleeding of your lipstick can also be stopped by treating the corners of your mouth.

Dermal Fillers

Cheek Augmentation
Fundamental facial structures such as cheek bones add so much character and beauty to the face. But as we age our cheeks tend to lose that youthful fullness and hollow out making the shape of the face dramatically different.
Restoring cheek structure is easy with the skilled use of modern dermal fillers
Naso-labial folds & Marionettes
Naso-labial folds & Marionettes are lines near the nose and mouth that deepen with time and quickly make a face look tired and older.
However, they can be improved dramatically with a little help from modern dermal fillers.
Lips Enhancement
Here’s something to smile about - your lips can look younger and fuller easily! Enhancing the appearance of your lips is one of the most simple and effective rejuvenation procedures of all.
We can help rejuvenate your lips by reducing fine lines, restoring volume and even creating a cupid’s bow.
We can also get rid of sagging corners of the mouth and stop lipstick from bleeding.